Lakeside Station & Yard         
Sidings, Station and the Kineo House c1910. The Kineo House is in the distance across Moosehead Lake. This was the terminus of the Kineo Branch. The area where these sidings are in this scene became automobile parking for the Kineo House in the 40s and 50s. Today it is public parking for a public boat landing in the inlet between this storage yard and the station yard to the right. The station area was vacant in 2008 and the crib work was in disrepair. Reminants of the station can still be found if you kick around in the weeds and gravel. In this scene two steam launches are waiting to take sports to the various destinations on the lake. The mountain on the left is Mt. Kineo a local land mark. Steam ship and train connections were carefully maintained back in the 20s. The turnaround time for an order to Sears in Boston was 2 days and 1 night if you got the order on the morning boat for Rockwood from any of the sporting camps on the lake. /DL
Date: 8/1/1910 Location: Rockwood, ME   Map Show Rockwood on a rail map Views: 312 Collection Of:   David Larrabee
Author:  E.E.Clement
Lakeside Station & Yard
Picture Categories: Yard,Station,Track This picture is part of album:  Maine Central The Kineo Branch
User Comments
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Dave Korhammer General Wow, what a scenic place! A great destination for train travel. :) 1/2/2016 2:11:25 PM

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